There are a few unique artifacts that are tied to quests or points of interest, such as Joker's Kolobok in the Oak Pine nest, the altered set of artifacts for Beard and the Scientist questline, the Heart of the Oasis and the Compass, but other than specifc, one time spawns, all "normal" artifacts cannot spawn anywhere but inside anomalous zones. But they cannot spawn outside of those areas. They do all wander around anomalous areas, yes.

Some anomalous areas are loosely defined and the artifacts can go a bit from the "area" as it is marked, but you're never going to find an artifact just next to Checkpoint in Yanov, or out in the middle of the fields. No? They spawn only around anomalous areas. In Call of Pripyat each location has a dozen of preset paths on which artifacts can spawn and slowly "wander". You'll never just find one in a random spot.Actually, they can spawn outside of anomalies, as i found out some time ago. Originally posted by Cujo:You must be in an anomalous area to find artifacts, they only spawn in set positions around the map. Salut,Je suis dans la cration d'une quipe pour aller pripyat, j'en ai deja 3, et j'aimerais en avoir un 4me : garry, mais il me faut trouver un kolobok, sur mon pda j'ai aucun indice o.