The Shotguns Talent tree gives the Vanguard mastery over one of the damaging weapons in the game, while the Barrier Biotic Talent allows them to stay alive throughout their reckless assaults. These two sets of Talents give the Vanguard its killing-edge in close-range engagements, but it's the Shotguns and Barrier Talents that are the most essential. In addition, it also has access to the following Biotic Talents: The Vanguard in Mass Effect 1 has the following Combat Talents: While the Vanguard's theme and specialty remains constant throughout Mass Effect: Legendary Edition's campaign, in the first game it plays a little differently. RELATED: BioWare Releases Mass Effect: Legendary Edition Cover Art Creator Played well, there's no class in Mass Effect: Legendary Edition more devastating than the Vanguard. The Vanguard's signature weapon throughout the series is the shotgun, an aggressive weapon that requires the user to constantly advance into range to be effective. This makes the Vanguard one of the most dynamic classes in Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, and the only one to be able to fight effectively without using cover at all. Living up to their name, Vanguards are always found at the front of the battle, using their combat and Biotic skills to push straight through enemy defenses. The Vanguard combines these two skill-groups into the most effective close-combat class in the Mass Effect series. From the Adept, the Vanguard picks up Biotic abilities which allow them to both protect themselves and throw around their enemies in Mass Effect: Legendary Edition. From the Soldier, the Vanguard gains the ability to use weapons and armor to their full effect. It is a hybrid-style class, combining abilities from the Solider and Adept classes. Because of the cost of this armor, the Flotilla only owns one hundred copies of this armor, however a total of five hundred have been produced, allowing various private organizations to purchase and distribute this unique armor to any Quarians that are in service to their group.The Vanguard is one of Mass Effect: Legendary Edition's six playable classes. The unique design has additional plating compared to the standard model, and consists of several various design enhancements, the most influential being the motorized joints which allow the user to move at speeds nearly doubling that of the standard Quarian, making the value of this armor ten times more than the regular Quarian armor. The Quarian Command Armor is an earth-designed armor built for the use of Quarians of the highest caliber, making up the advance groups within the Quarian Marines. Classification: Military-Grade Quarian Armor