Your methods of research aren’t very comprehensive, your opinions aren’t really understandable either. Again, why is it not complete (and what does that even mean!?). Who has ever recommended this garbage round here? It is total crap but well marketed. Wondershare writes to the media that it is recovering from and should be avoided at all costs. What do you mean by, “it is not complete”!? This is a very odd thing to just put out there. I don’t really care for your trust, you should research any product but no need to be accusational about it. But perhaps go ahead and do some proper research and take a look at my post history and karma if you want to. Like EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard, this tool. You seem to be wanting to do this on the cheap, I suggested File Scavenger as it is the best value you will find for a complete and full-featured dr tool. MiniTool Power Data Recovery V8.8 is the latest data recovery software for Windows 10/8/7 and Windows Server OS. Secondly, why ask advice if you are going to be openly suspicious of it? It doesn’t help your cause to rubbish good advice based upon what dodgy information you can glean about shitty titles from bad sources.