Dragon age morrigan mod
Dragon age morrigan mod

As a comic fan, I'm a fan as this gives him the armour from the comics. Such a small mod, but it makes a huge difference to Broken Circle- adds a lot of atmosphere and helps reinforce the awfulness of tranquility. ( ) : Adds brands to the tranquil characters. Note! There is some tweaking for Morrigan's eyes, but the instructions are easily found in the forum and the tweak is minimal. It changes their appearance without being drastic. This is the mod I've been using for these people, personally I think this is one of the better ones. ( ) : Morphs for Isabela, Cullen, Morrigan and Leliana, similar to their appearance in DA:I. This mod adds Casteless tattoos to Mardy and Teli, bringing them into line with the brand rule. ( ) : For those who enjoy an Aeducan playthrough. A small mod, but really interesting! It also comes with a file to change "Duster" armour to "Dust Town" armour. ( ) : This changes their appearance to be in line with their appearance in DA:2. This includes Solas' armour and Flemeth's armour, along with some other nice armours. ( ) : Items from DA:2 and DA:I which fit in the Ferelden setting. Amazing for scenes like the Landsmeet or the final cutscene. These look a little shrunken on Dwarves, but still look decent. ( ) : Rather nice gowns with decent stats. This does require another mod (Loincloth Fashion), so be sure to read the requirements first! ( ) : Gives some rather pretty robes for a mage warden. I love the Champion Warrior Armour, it suits everyone. My only gripe with this mod is instead of one runscript giving you everything, you need to pick out which items you want. ( ) : Similar to Viva La Orlais, but swap "DA:I" for "DA:2". It also adds some weapons, they are quite overpowered though. I particularly love using the noble dresses for Wynne, they have robe stats. It adds so many outfits from DA:I, including Leliana's armour, Vivienne's armour and Morrigan's dress. I have seen this one around the place a bit, but I feel it really improves the atmosphere of the game. ( ) : This mod gives Alistair, Duncan and other GW NPCS GW armour, and also gives your character a set of their own.

dragon age morrigan mod

I used this for an Aeducan playthrough as I felt it suited a noble well. ( ) : The armour in this mod is lovely with a pink and bronze colour scheme.

dragon age morrigan mod

While I love Morrigan's original robe, I feel ( ) suits her even more! ( ) : This changes Morrigan's robe, borrowing textures from Sera's clothing. Some of these only do little things, others change a lot of things. There are plenty of mods which I love which don't get mentioned much here, or I feel need a bit more love. I thought I'd ask the community, get a discussion going.

Dragon age morrigan mod